Pete Doherty abre blog, Letters from Albion

Pete, o Peter Doherty siempre ha tenido cierta querencia por la poesía y hace tres años más o menos llegó a publicar sus primeros escritos en una obra titulada The Books Of Albion.

Ahora, y bajo el nombre de Letters from Albion, Doherty ha inaugurado una nueva sección en su web oficial Albion Rooms (lugar donde vivía con Carl Barât de Libertines), dedicada en formato blog a publicar poesías, letras de canciones y reflexiones variadas.

El lema de toda la página, “Habitaciones Albion; el descanso de Peter Doherty, poeta, músico y artista”.

La primera entrada, Bonjour Tristesse:

Hear the cawing, crawring

reminds me somewhat of the Seagullinabox that wallhadheras ‘always thought it stood for something’ etc. Someone said the bird’s name was Ali, but the bird insisted that was no name for a baby seagull. Could have been an albatross..

Wonder what went on in that womb there. If you’ll grace me with the generous gift of the suspicion’s benefit – [new paragraph]

She didn’t half strain my faith\ and i’m supple in them strains too i swear

my trusting heart drained to dregs \ by the be-witching ways of Miss ‘Pleasedtohear’

Miss Pleasedtohear’s casual cull\

of a patient father’s hope and pride

executed with a thud so dull

it stiffens all the blood inside

the blood inside the skin outside the bones inside the strap of rolling slabs of dna the sole ransom my soul might be sold on, a bold one her if lies line the now ancient texts all mummsylike oh mercy the agony a girl might fake a womans nature and take the shadow of a creature and use it as the main feature in her assault upon the poor sod who bought the lot of it –

‘you’ll be pleased to hear you unborn baby is dead’

lovely little line to liven the long day.

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